
No two projects are alike

and we're ok with that.


30 years of experience, expertly brought to each doorstep.




Delivering a project from inception to successful completion takes more than simply knowing how to paint. There is so much to do before a paint can is ever opened ; contracts, payment schedules, owner notifications, scheduling and timeline requirements. Often projects have wood replacement and iron welding repairs that need coordination before or even while the project is in full swing. And other considerations like landscape clearing, public safety, homeowner security, onsite storage, and city codes need to be arranged. And let's not forget there are product recommendations along with the fun stuff like choosing and sampling new color choices. Do you really want to choose a residential house painting company with more experience painting bedroom walls and cabinetry? What your community association needs is a company with true commercial project management experience and that's what we deliver. 


there is a difference, so we put it in our name; 

Premier Commercial Painting,INC.

I look forward to the opportunity to serve you and your homeowners.

Mark Avery,

President, Premier Commercial Painting,Inc


Make the jump. 

Let's get you started.


Call us at the office 805-492-4990. Mon-Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm

Email us at support@premiercommercialpainting.com